From: TMA Technology, Ltd. []
Sent: Monday, November 22, 2004 12:30 PM
To: List Member
Subject: Accreditation
Quality Products and Physics Services for Radiation Oncology


Most of us have been through some sort of accreditation or survey process and know the enormous amount of preparation time it takes.  So, why do it?

  • Large purchasers of healthcare (employers) want to ensure that their employee health benefits are contracted with providers who provide quality service and have the data to back it up.

  • Insurance payers are also looking to contract with evidence-based providers those with the volume and a quality track record.

  • Accreditation by certain organizations can be used to negotiate with third-party payers.

  • Being accredited is a great marketing tool.  Many accrediting organizations have a certification mark or seal which can be added to company letterhead as well as  camera-ready ads available for marketing use.

  • Many healthcare professionals and organizations predict that, in the near future, whether a facility is accredited or not will determine if it is chosen as a provider. 


The Radiation Oncology Division at the Navy Medical Center, San Diego (NMCSD), united with the American College of Radiology (ACR) and the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO) in an accreditation agreement to eliminate redundant evaluations of radiation oncology programs. According to the terms of the agreement, JCAHO will accept ACR accreditation decisions in the following critical performance areas: patients' rights, assessment and care of patients, peer review process and the continuum of radiation oncology care. NMCSD is one of only 10 percent of the radiation oncology programs that are accredited nationwide and the first Department of Defense site to earn the joint ACR and JCAHO accreditation.

The Results:
The joint accreditation recognizes the radiology oncology team for its quality program, ensures that redundant inspections will no longer be necessary and helps to ensure patients are receiving superb treatment.  Success in this area also lays the foundation for development of joint accreditation agreements in other specialty areas.

Hidden Treasure:  Joint Radiation Oncology Accreditation Agreement
Category: Administrative Reference Number: 99049


 American College of Radiology (ACR) -

  • The 30,000 members of the American College of Radiology include radiologists, radiation oncologists and medical physicists. For over three quarters of a century, the ACR has devoted its resources to making imaging safe, effective and accessible to those who need it.

  • ACR standards are available for download on their web site.

  • Survey fees are $8000 for the main facility and $2000 for each additional site.  

 American College of Radiation Oncologists (ACRO) -

  • Founded in 1989 with a current membership of approximately 1,700, the American College of Radiation Oncology is the only organization that exclusively, and uniquely, represents radiation oncologists in the socioeconomic and political sphere without influence from any other specialty.

  • ACRO standards are available for download on their web site.

  • Fee schedule:  Single/Base Facility $7000 (ACRO member); $9000 (non-ACRO member); First satellite facility $3000; Second satellite facility $2000; Additional satellite facilities $1500.

 American College of Surgeons (ACS) -

  • Established by the American College of Surgeons (ACoS) in 1922, the multi-disciplinary Commission on Cancer (CoC) sets standards for quality multidisciplinary cancer care delivered primarily in hospital settings; surveys hospitals to assess compliance with those standards; collects standardized and quality data from approved hospitals to measure treatment patterns and outcomes; and uses the data to evaluate hospital provider performance and develop effective educational interventions to improve cancer care outcomes at the national and local level. 

  • ACS standards may be purchased on their web site.

  • Single institution:  $3500.  Contact ACS for details.

 Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO) -

  • The Joint Commission evaluates and accredits nearly 16,000 health care organizations and programs in the United States . An independent, not-for-profit organization, the Joint Commission is the nation's predominant standards-setting and accrediting body in health care.

  • JCAHO Standards may be purchased on their web site.

  • The Joint Commission determines survey fees annually as needed to maintain the cost of its operations. Surveyed organizations are charged for all surveys with the exception of random unannounced surveys. The Joint Commission bases an organizations survey fees on several factors, including the volume and type of services provided and the surveys length. Contact the Pricing Unit at the Joint Commission at (630) 792-5115.


The Radiation Oncology Performance Enhancement (ROPE) Database was designed with the accreditation process in mind.  Besides being a quality management tool that tracks quality indicators normally documented on paper, the ROPE allows the facility to easily document standards recommended by accrediting organizations.  TMAT is currently working with these accrediting organizations to generate reports from the ROPE that will assist with the pre-survey and survey process.  Call for an online demo of the ROPE or visit our web site,, for more information.  


Pricing for the ROPE Database or Physics Services may be obtained by contacting TMA Technology.  

Please forward this e-mail to any of your friends and colleagues in radiation oncology that would benefit from the latest information, resources, and tools.

                         Let us carry the load for you!


TMA Technology, Ltd.
1701 W. Northwest Hwy.

Phone: 866-235-8402
Fax: 866-235-8402
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